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SecuX Nifty

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Product description

Enter the exciting future of NFTs with the revolutionary SecuX Nifty, the world's first hardware wallet designed exclusively for passionate NFT enthusiasts. With this wallet, you effortlessly manage, store and display your unique NFT collection. Security and convenience are key, with features such as dynamic keyboard security, offline setup and support for different NFT marketplaces. The SecuX Nifty takes your digital experience to new heights, putting your own NFT collection always at your fingertips.

Storing your private key Offline: Your Security First.
Store your private key offline and protect it from potential risks.

EAL 5+ Certified: Advanced Security for Your NFTs
Your private key is safe and secure thanks to Infineon's advanced security chip.

True Ownership Display: Show your True Ownership
Only the NFTs that are truly yours shine on the 2.8-inch colour touchscreen. Proudly display what is yours.

Support for Various Chains: One Place for All Your NFTs and Tokens
Experience the convenience of managing all your NFTs and tokens in one place with support for various chains, including Ethereum, Polygon, Solana, and Binance Smart Chain. With the possible addition of even more chains in the future, this ensures a flexible and organised NFT experience.

Easy Access to NFT Marketplaces & DeFi: Safe and Easy Trading
Explore NFT marketplaces such as Opensea, Etherscan and even track rankings on rarity trackers. With in-app support for popular marketplaces and DeFi applications, the system provides a safe and easy way to buy and trade NFTs.

Clear Signing: Trust Certainty in Transactions
Let your collection be seen on the device and sign transactions with complete confidence. The clear and uncluttered signing function makes it easy to interact with your NFTs, keeping you in control and secure.

The future of NFTs is here. Your personal gallery, at your fingertips everywhere!


Android and iOS
Supported coins

Supported coins  

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