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Cryptotag Hodl Light

Cryptotag Hodl Light
Cryptotag Hodl Light
Cryptotag Hodl Light box
Cryptotag Hodl Light lamp
Cryptotag Hodl Light pink
Cryptotag Hodl Light orange
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Ordered before 15:00, shipped the same day
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Product Description

The Bitcoin Hodl Light is perfect for the Orange Pilled Hodler who wants to transform their home, room, or office into a Hodler's paradise.

This light is exceptionally user-friendly and offers various lighting scenes to choose from. Furthermore, it has the capability to respond to music and ambient sounds, all to create the desired atmosphere.


Control via the app
The Hodl Light is compatible with the Tuya Smart app, a proven platform for smart devices that allows you to fully customize the light to your preferences.

Impressive Features

  • A choice of over a million colors.
  • Set in advance when the Hodl Light should turn on and off.
  • Create scenes in which you can set custom glows and color gradients that repeat.
  • Let the light respond to music and ambient sounds in the room.
  • Adjust the brightness.
  • Connect it to your smart home devices.


  • A smartphone with Bluetooth and Wi-Fi.
  • A stable Wi-Fi connection (2.4 GHz).

Compatible Smart Home Platforms

  • Amazon Alexa/Echo.
  • Google Home.
  • Samsung SmartThings.
  • IFTTT.
  • Homey.

Please note: Apple HomeKit is currently not compatible with the Hodl Light.

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