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SafePal X1

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Product Description

The SafePal X1 represents Safepal's third-generation hardware wallet. This wallet provides an enhanced and secure way to store and manage cryptocurrencies.

Keylabs conducted extensive research on the Safepal X1 to identify and resolve potential security issues before the wallet was launched.

An important aspect of the X1 is that key parts of the code are open source, ensuring maximum transparency. Users can access the source code of the software and verify the security.

The SafePal X1 is the first Bluetooth hardware wallet in the SafePal series, increasing the total number of models from 1 to 3 in one year.


High security: The SafePal X1 uses advanced security protocols and is equipped with an anti-manipulation mechanism that automatically clears the wallet if physical interference is detected. In addition, it features the CC EAL5+ security chip to provide the highest possible level of security and protect your cryptocurrencies from hackers.

User-friendly: The SafePal X1 is easy to use, even for beginners, thanks to its intuitive touchscreen and simple user interface. With high-speed Bluetooth connectivity, an intuitive 12-button D-Pad and a larger 1.8-inch screen, it offers a smooth user experience.

Broad cryptocurrency support: The wallet offers support for a wide range of cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple, Litecoin and more.

Mobile app: Manage your portfolio effortlessly with the SafePal mobile app, available for both iOS and Android.

Recovery feature: Worries about losing your crypto coins are a thing of the past. In case of loss or theft, the SafePal X1 offers a simple recovery process .

Compact and portable: The X1's design combines the credit card-like aesthetic of previous S1 models with a subtle industrial touch, and despite the enlarged screen, the X1 remains compact, lightweight and easy to carry.

Durability: The SafePal X1's durable design ensures that your wallet will withstand daily use and transportation.

Customer safety tips: Make sure to keep the recovery phrase safe and offline, and always keep your SafePal X1 updated with the latest firmware. Avoid sharing personal information about your wallet and use strong passwords and PINs at all times.

Don't hesitate any longer and purchase the SafePal X1 today to protect your digital assets from potential threats. Order now and experience peace of mind when managing your cryptocurrency portfolio.


Android and iOS
Windows and macOS
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SafePal S1

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