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CRYPTOTAG - Zeus expansion

CRYPTOTAG Zeus Expansion Kit
CRYPTOTAG Zeus Expansion Kit
CRYPTOTAG Zeus Expansion Kit plates
CRYPTOTAG Zeus Expansion Kit box
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Ordered before 23:59, shipped this weekend
Ordered before 15:00, shipped the same day
Ordered before 15:00, shipped the same day
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Product description

This is an expansion kit to the Cryptotag Zeus Starter Kit. The expansion set only includes the titanium plates. The puncher (click pen) you need to capture your private key is not included in this set and is only in the Starter Kit.

The expansion set consists of two plates. On each plate you can record 12 words. The plates can withstand temperatures up to 1665°C and also withstand shock and water well.

Supplied as standard: 

  • 1 titanium plate (1x 24 words or 2x 12 words)

Not included: 


Quantity of back-ups

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